Amy Winehouse Cause of Death Alcohol Poisoning

Thursday 27 October 2011 ·

A coroner's report has finally revealed the cause of the death of Amy Winehouse: alcohol poisoning. British coroner Suzanne Greenway told a London court Wednesday that the singer's 'Rehab' BAC at the time of his death was as much as five times the legal limit for drunk driving.

"He had consumed enough alcohol ... and the unintended consequence of this potentially fatal levels of his death sudden and unexpected," said Greenaway. He likes Winehouse passes the "death of the unfortunate", the official reason for the column "of alcohol toxicity."

Amy Winehouse was discovered in bed at his home in London on July 23. The singer had struggled for years with substance abuse, and although there were no illegal drugs in his system, police Detective Newman said there were many empty bottles of vodka in his room.

According to the doctor Winehouse, Dr. Christina Romete, embattled star was re-drinking days before he died, falling off the wagon after a period of sobriety. Romete Winehouse has also seen the night before his death, and revealed the singer was "tipsy, but calm."

Last month, "Rehab" hitmaker's father Mitch has been speculated that he died of alcohol withdrawal, and perhaps an overdose of Librium, a drug used to treat his addiction.

Although Romete Winehouse has confirmed that he was taking Librium, a coroner's report suggests, the drug had no role in the death of the singer.

He was looking toward the future, "said Romet, described Winehouse as" drunk ", but quiet when they met the night before his death. That night, live sound to the security guard said he heard her laugh, see the television and listening to music at home.

The guard, Andrew Morris, said he knew that his drinking again, but I did not notice anything unusual until he realized he had stopped breathing in bed the next afternoon.

Detective Inspector Newman The police said three empty bottles of vodka - both large and small - were found in his room.

Pathologist, Suhail said blood and urine indicate Baithun Winehouse had consumed a "large amount of alcohol" before his death. The level of alcohol in his blood was 416 milligrams per 100 milliliters, he said - a BAC of 0.4 percent. The British and U.S. legal limit for drunken driving is 0.08 percent.

The parents of the singer, attended the hearing, but did not speak to reporters. In his opinion, the family Winehouse spokesman Chris Goodman said it was a relief for the family "has finally discovered what happened to Amy."


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