Steve Jobs' Biography To Be Released on October 24th

Friday, 7 October 2011 ·

As the statement of Steve Jobs is dead last night, there is no shortage of information arising from the novelty of the world's iconic Apple's CEO. It's actually a little 'surprising to see who is talking about legacy Steve Jobs', is all the tech blogs and CNN, President Obama, Ashton Kutcher, and the mother of my favorite blogs. Even some of my techy friends, at least Labour has taken to provide quick goodbye, and one of them do not even own an Apple device, as far as I know.

Pursuit of knowledge is evident, also because of the preference Jobs for privacy, but leaves the world of an official, the chronicle of his life. The first and only official biography, simply titled "Steve Jobs" (previously iSteve: Book of Jobs), Walter Isaacson, because sooner than anyone expected at all. Publisher: Simon & Schuster has confirmed that the biography will be published Oct. 24.

This is the second time, when a publisher has brought the date of publication. Originally the book was scheduled to be released in March 2012, but later moved up to November 2011.

Customers can preorder the book on Amazon, where the biography is already firmly planted in the leading position on the list of best-sellers. It was in the top 100 for the last month. Amazon currently sells the book for $ 17.88, 49% discount from its list price of $ 35, and the Kindle edition is available for $ 16.99.

The charm of the book derives from the fact that it is the only one who has obtained the approval of Steve Jobs, as well as in-depth one-on-one interviews with the former CEO of Apple. The author, Walter Isaacson reportedly talked about jobs in just four weeks ago, when Jobs announced that he knew his death was imminent, a source told The Wall Street Journal.

Jobs died Wednesday of a rare, but not particularly aggressive form of cancer known as carcinoma of pancreas islet cells, a type that represents only 1.3% of all diagnoses of pancreatic cancer. Neuroendocrine tumor in the pancreas in 2003, and employment has lived eight years is striking, in which he explored alternative treatments, and even traveled to Switzerland to try a new experimental treatment.

When caught early, people with islet cell tumors have a good chance of survival.

Some 80-90% of pancreatic cancers are more aggressive adenocarcinoma, of which one year survival rate is 20% and five-year survival rate is only 5%. Patrick Swayze and "The Last Lecture" Professor Randy Pausch had adenocarcinoma.


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