A Ukrainian court Tuesday jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, for seven years on a 2009 gas agreement with Russia that threatens his ambition to take a first step towards joining the European Union.
In recognition of the potentially devastating consequences for Ukraine, President Viktor Yanukovych insisted that the decision was not final and that he understands the concern of the European Union on the trial.
In the midst of emotional scenes packed court in the center of Kiev, the judge Rodion Kireyev said Ms. Tymoshenko was at fault for his authority to force the gas company signed a 10-year contract on gas imports from Russia.
"The court intentionally YV Tymoshenko used her powers for criminal purposes," the judge said Kireyev. "The court finds you guilty and sentences him to seven years in prison."
Tymoshenko, her hair braided inextricably around his head and wore a spotless beige, defiantly shouting "Glory to Ukraine!" To his supporters in court, proclaiming "Glory to the heroes!" In response.
"We will fight and defend my reputation in the European Court. We must be strong and defend Ukraine from this authoritarianism. Today, the Court held that the justice system was crushed. Lucha Libre, together, be strong."
It 'was then rejected the van Lukyanovsky prison detention center, where he served from August 5 to begin serving his sentence.
Russian Foreign Ministry, in turn, complained that he saw "a clear anti-Russian frame of reference" case.
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