Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Visit Homeless Shelter

Wednesday 21 December 2011 ·

After her appearance as belle of the ball earlier this week, it was a more sober look for the Duchess of Cambridge on a visit to a homeless shelter today.

Kate Middleton spent time on Wednesday visiting a homeless shelter.
The prince also abandoned his habitual suit for blue cords and a jumper and shirt.

In organising the engagement shortly before they headed off for the traditional royal Christmas at Sandringham, the royal couple were following in the footsteps of Princess Diana.

As a young boy the prince and his younger brother, Harry, were regularly taken by their late mother on private visits to Centrepoint hostels across the capital to better understand the lives of those less fortunate than themselves.

William is now patron of the organisation which works with young homeless people and two years ago spent the night sleeping rough publicise the plight of the homeless at Christmas.

The Duke of Cambridge is now patron of the organisation which works with homeless people.

Two years ago the young prince spent the night sleeping rough publicise the plight of the homeless at Christmas.

A source told the Daily Mail: "It is one of the prince's oldest patronages and is particularly dear to his heart. He has been keen to show the Duchess the charity's work in action.

"It will be the first time she has visited a project of this kind in this country and she has been looking forward to it immensely."

Aides say William has long been keen to introduce Kate to the charity’s work in action.

William, 29, looked pleased as punch and started doing a hip hop style dance, brushing the shoulders of his jumper twice on each side.

They also participated in a healthy living cookery session, trying their hand at baking festive mince pies.

'There are one million young people unemployed in this country and ours are at the back of the queue as they have no qualifications, no experience and have chaotic lives.'

As children William and his brother Prince Harry made private visits to Centrepoint services with the Princess of Wales.

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