Libya's Dictator Moammar Gadhafi Dead

Thursday 20 October 2011 ·

After the death on Thursday, Muammar Gaddafi, Libya de facto leader of the challenge now is to maintain the fragile unity they enjoyed when the deposed dictator was to drive when they begin to change their war-battered nation to democracy after 42 years and the tyranny of a man.

Official said, "It 'was also shot in the head. There was a lot of shooting at his side, and died."

The report has not yet been confirmed. However, a plethora of reports coming out saying that the former Libyan leader is in fact dead.

Picture taken in the phone is published by AFP, the body looks surprisingly similar to the previous ruler.

U.S. State Department has yet to confirm the news of the death of Qaddafi.

After news of the message is passed through the streets of Tripoli mode festive horns and pictures of the party shots in the air.

In August, some family members fled to Algeria Gaddafi, while the strong man whereabouts remained unknown.

"The Libyan people now have a great responsibility: to build an inclusive, tolerant and democratic in Libya, which stands as the ultimate blame Qaddafi dictatorship," President Barack Obama said hours after an injury Gaddafi was captured and probably killed by opposition forces, after almost six weeks siege of his home town of Sirte.

Libya, begins a new era in the interests of other ex-dominated authoritarian countries, the period during which the Civil War and the establishment of the first elected government, is historically the most dangerous.

Libya's infrastructure is still relatively intact, some State agencies continue to operate and if they do, self-organized groups of citizens' have taken over. It 'very unlikely, sectarian and ethnic turmoil that has shaken Iraq. The Transitional National Council enjoys respect among people of Libya 6400000 and international recognition, and when you expect to win access to some 110 billion dollars in assets frozen, penalties Gaddafi's regime.

"When I was in Tripoli last month, the water was, had electricity, the police on the streets and the garbage was collected," said Daniel Serwer, a former American diplomat, who teaches at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Relations in Washington. "I walked around at night without fear, and ran in the morning without problems. And still can not do this day in Baghdad."

Spokesman for the National Transitional Council (NTC), the Board of Directors Interim Libya insisted that the colonel was dead, and that although he would rather live and brought to justice, a "can not go against the will of God." The probability that Gaddafi is really doing to hide from the October 20 one of the most historic moments in the history of Libya, the final disappearance of 42 years, dictator rule changed in this oil-rich nation is frighteningly authoritarian government, he modernized, which was a largely illiterate desert country of the regional economic power.

Exactly two months after the rebels attacked and drove to the Gaddafi in Tripoli and the power of his family. However, even if the NTC rebels quickly took control of the capital, Gaddafi and his powerful son Saif al-Islam disappeared, slipping away from the city of Tripoli, but was still confused. The International Criminal Court has indicted two men for crimes against humanity, accused of ordering the killing of unarmed civilians before the force of the rebels took up arms in mid-February.

. "Some cities have encouraged the police to return to work, but the only people in Libya who do not have guns are the police," he said, adding that there are about 7,000 inmates - former officials of Gaddafi, fighters, d other and African mercenaries loyal suspects - will take place across the country.


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