Turkey accepts foreign aid, including Israel

Wednesday 26 October 2011 ·

Turkey accepts foreign aid, including Israel, in response to an earthquake which left 459 dead, a diplomatic source said on Wednesday.

Turkey initially refused offers of international assistance on Sunday after the earthquake of magnitude 7.2, but the source said that Ankara has changed his mind, because the urgent need for housing materials for the homeless. Israeli foreign ministry told AFP Tuesday his government was asked to help Turkey in spite of the tense relations between the countries.

"Turkey has requested that the caravans of people homeless by the earthquake, the Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor of Foreign Affairs told AFP." We agreed immediately and we will soon see what we can offer. "

The desperate survivors fought to support and level of aid shipments. Powerful aftershock triggered panic triggered a revolt large near the provincial prison of the city.

On Wednesday, health officials said the increase observed in cases of diarrhea, particularly among children, and urged the family to drink bottled water, until the authorities can investigate the supply of water may be contaminated.

With thousands of people homeless or are too scared to return to their damaged homes, Turkey said it would accept offers of international aid, including Israel, who has had tense relations. The country said that mobile homes are required to survivors of the house during the winter. Israel offers help despite a disagreement between the two countries in the Israeli attack last year on a fleet of Gaza militants that killed nine Turks linked.

Some buildings collapsed in 2000 and about 1,350 people were injured. The fact that the earthquake struck during the day, when many people were out, avoided a disaster even worse.

The private agency Dogan said that the prisoners set fire to the bed to the 1000-capacity prison in the eastern city of Van on Tuesday night, when the aftershock of magnitude 5.4 caused panic in the province of Van, which The earthquake struck on Sunday murderess.

Agency says that the security forces surrounding the prison, designed to prevent the escape of the new, as some prisoners had already left the country on Sunday after a wall collapsed 7.2-magnitude prison. He says firefighters worked to extinguish the fire prison.

TRT state television said on Sunday the death toll is rising earthquake has reached at least 459 says more than 1350 people were injured.


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