Nusrat Bhutto's death

Monday 24 October 2011 ·

Nusrat Bhutto, widow of former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and the mother of the assassinated former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, was killed on Sunday in Dubai. In a roller-coaster ride in the world of Pakistani politics, Begum Bhutto has seen many ups and downs.

Belongs to a well-to-do Iranian family business, she had the chance to become the first lady of the country where ZA Bhutto came to power shortly after the split of the country. She also enjoyed the pomp and power, when Benazir was prime minister. But in the meantime, and even after it is several tragedies with exemplary courage and bravery.

His life followed many highs and lows in Pakistani politics. Her husband, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was the founder of Pakistan People's Party controls the government of Pakistan today. He served as Prime Minister and President in 1970.

Begum Nusrat Bhutto took over as head of the Pakistan People's Party for several years after her husband was hanged in 1979 after what many thought was a politically motivated conspiracy and murder trial. She also served in parliament from Pakistan. His daughter, Benazir Bhutto, took over as head of the Pakistan People's Party and served twice as prime minister.

She was killed in a suicide bombing in 2007, shortly after his return home to participate in elections after years of exile in Dubai. Her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, is now president of the Pakistan.

After the overthrow of Bhutto by Gen Ziaul Haq on July 5, 1977, provides many challenges to her. She was at the head of the party and fight for the life of her husband. It cost him dearly.

As the head only survivor of the family, took the lead and brought the case before the courts. However, he endured the shock of the execution of Bhutto, April 4, 1979.

At this stage, his only consolation was to be his children. He went to a minister Shah Nawaz, Murtaza, Benazir and Sanam, and remained in exile for several years. During his exile, he received another shock, the shape of the mysterious and untimely death Minister Nawaz Shah is.

Things began to look for, when Benazir returned to Pakistan in 1986 after the death of Gen Zia. Nusrat was always there with his daughter and helped him during his election campaign. In a sense, was the main source of power to Benazir finally came to power in 1988.

Nusrat himself was elected Larkana and the daughter of his first minister appointed Minister.

It went well for a while, but when tragedy strikes again. During the second term of Prime Minister Benazir ship, his son, Murtaza Bhutto was killed nearly 70 Clifton residence.

This clash has begun to show its effects and Nusrat health began to decline. She was attacked over time by Alzheimer's disease, which never recovered.

Quaid-e-Millat Jaafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi also expressed his condolences to the closure of Nusrat Bhutto. In a message of condolences to the Bhutto family and PPP workers, he paid tribute to the struggle, sacrifices and services rendered by the deceased leader.


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