Spot-Fixing Butt, Asif, Aamer sentenced to jail

Thursday 3 November 2011 ·

Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer could face prison terms of up to seven years after being convicted of the task of fixing a trial that exposed a culture of corruption at the heart of international cricket.

Phrases to deal with the reputation of the game and blow the process could lead to further damaging revelations, such as the International Cricket Council (ICC), together to investigate allegations of corruption against the tribunal to hear the other two members of the team Pakistan tourism, Kamran Wahab Riaz and Akmal.

Justice Cooke was initially sentenced Amir, 19, to six months in prison, but had to revise the term of six months of detention in a young offenders' institutions. "Agent Majeed was sentenced to two years eight months in prison. The trio was also ordered to pay compensation for the costs of prosecution. Butt was ordered to pay 30.937 pounds, 8120 pounds and 9389 pounds Amir Asif.

Dressed in suits, spoiled by the trio sat quietly in front of the Ministry of Justice Cooke as he read his address long-term.

"The reputation and integrity of what was once a game, but now the company has been damaged in the eyes of all. You betrayed all the supporters of the game." Justice Cooke said. However, the trio has appealed to the reduction well, through his lawyer, and I hope the judges will spare them a prison sentence.

On the other hand, Judge Cooke denied allegations that Pakistan, Mohammad Aamer melon only participated in an episode of the configuration of the patch. Aamer, who pleaded guilty to betting Mazhar Majeed, sought leniency, since it was his first mistake and the sentence will end his career as a cricket. However, Judge Cooke noted that there was sufficient evidence that the 19-year-old quickly has also participated in acts of corruption in the Oval test well.

Aamer was to face questions about his confession of Judge Justice Jeremy Cooke on Wednesday and will be condemned Asif Butt and Thursday. The convictions mean the trio became the first athlete convicted of corruption on the ground in a British court since 1960, when three football players, including two from Sheffield Wednesday, was sentenced to prison for throwing matches.

For Asif, said: "Although no money was found in their possession, it is clear that the conspiracy did not bowl a ball There is no evidence that osaltasi before confirmation, but it is difficult to see that this could have been an isolated incident .. "

And Asif Butt was found guilty of conspiracy to defraud, and conspiracy to bribe the jury to accept payments on Tuesday, when Emir Majeed, and pleaded guilty to similar charges.

The judge told the players of his sentence could be reduced to half with good behavior.

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