Nationals Catcher Wilson Ramos Kidnapped in Venezuela

Thursday 10 November 2011 ·

Catcher Wilson Ramos, considered one of the building blocks for young Washington Nationals, was abducted by gunmen on Wednesday at his home in his native Venezuela.

The Venezuelan Professional Baseball League Director Domingo Alvarez, says the kidnappers have not been contacted by the Ramos family. He said it's the first time in Major League Baseball player has captured the country, even if the relatives of the other players were held for ransom in the past.

Ramos, 24 years old, just finished his rookie season, was taken in a van by four armed men in Santa Ines, in central Carabobo state, the spokesman for the League team of Venezuela, Aragua Tigers he said on his official Twitter account.

"It's sad, disturbing and true that Wilson Ramos has been removed," Katherine Vilera tweeted.

She said Ramos was taken at 6:45 local time at his home in the area 95 miles west of Caracas. She said the police were notified.

"Very shocking news branch. Our thoughts and prayers are with him. Scary situation," wrote Støren when manure tweeted, "Thoughts and prayers go out to Wilson Ramos and his family."

"This is a sad, disturbing and the fact that Wilson Ramos has been hijacked," wrote Katherine Vilera.

He said that Ramos is 18:45 at home in the area 95 miles (150 km) west of Caracas. He said that the police were informed.

A person close to the Ramos family, who declined to be quoted by name in security, said the receiver was at home with his father and brothers, when several men "entered the house and took him away."

"From this hour, there was no contact" between the kidnappers and the Ramos family, that person. Drew sturgeon, a relief pitcher for the Nationals, tweeted his concerns: "News of harrowing thoughts and prayers with him Ramo scary situation ..."

Spokesman for the Nationals do not respond immediately to telephone and e-mails Wednesday night.

"I do not know who could have done the kidnapping of this size but I think it shows that it can only happen to someone," said Juan Carlos Turizo, 26, lives in Caracas. .

Ramos, a defender, hit 15 homers and 52 in 113 games in leading rookie season last year.

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