White House Shooting Suspect Arrested

Wednesday 16 November 2011 ·

WASHINGTON - Police arrested a 21 year old man Wednesday on suspicion of shooting at the White House last week after federal agents found two bullets had hit the house, including one that hit a window.

Oscar Ortega Ramiro Hernandez was arrested shortly after noon on Wednesday near Indiana, Pennsylvania, and is now under police custody in the state of Pennsylvania, CNN quoted U.S. intelligence as saying.

The service said in a statement earlier Wednesday that two bullets were found in the White House Tuesday morning. A bullet struck a window outside the White House and was arrested by bulletproof glass, the second was located outside the White House.

The service said it is investigating whether the balls had nothing to do with the shooting incident near the White House last Friday, has not yet reached any conclusion on this point.

A U.S. Park Police bulletin issued before his arrest said he "should be considered unstable with violent tendencies," the Associated Press reported. Park Police also said the suspect has an arrest record in three states, the AP reported.

The president was traveling at the time of the shooting Friday. 

On Tuesday, the Secret Service, found the bullet had struck the second story window at the White House, where the family lives first. Stopped by the bulletproof glass with ballistic protection. Another bullet was found on the same day the White House, but the agency did not say where.

When the fire was heard near the White House on Friday evening, authorities discovered a car blocks away from AK-47 knockoff. The suspect apparently fled on foot, and as long as the bullets were found is not clear if the shots were fired at the White House.
Intelligence officers had heard shots fired in the street, 700 and 800 meters (m) south of the official residence of the President.

Two cars were seen racing away from the scene. One of these cars were later found abandoned nearby with a semi-automatic rifle on board.

President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were out of town on Friday night. The president was attending a basketball game in San Diego, California, before heading to Hawaii, where he hosted a weekend APEC summit of Asia-Pacific regional leaders.

The shooting was being investigated by Secret Service, the Washington and U.S. Parks police, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

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